Technology is playing a more prevalent role in most aspects of human life than it ever has before. It’s even penetrated some of the most traditional industries, bringing about a revolutionary transformation for them. One such industry is drinks manufacturing – a sector whose processes are inherently complicated due to its immense scale and nature […]

Wine Making Technology
Winemaking is one of the oldest occupations of mankind, which became available almost simultaneously with the appearance of the cultural variety of its main ingredient – grapes.

The ABCs of brewing: the basic steps of beer production
Brewing begins with barley, wheat, oats or rye sprouted in the malt shop. The grain is then dried in a dryer and sometimes roasted

Production of energy drinks
Energy drinks are rapidly gaining popularity among young people and schoolchildren. For many students, it is hard to imagine preparing for exams without this miracle elixir.

Soft drinks – production technology
People consume a huge number of soft drinks every day. But not many people know how they are made.

Technologies of carbonated beverages production
Carbonated water is a product saturated with carbon dioxide, which has a peculiar taste, quenches thirst and gives freshness.